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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Online submission

Submissions and tracking of the status of your submitted paper are both done exclusively online at

Revista Hospitalidade does not charge submission fees or page charges.

If you do not have a login / password to access Tourism Open Access Journals Portal, simply register at

Papers are reviewed by leading and qualified specialists in the area, in a blind peer review process.

Eventually, papers already published in international journals may be accepted, however, it must have been reviewed and approved by renowned specialists and author (s) must obtain a written permission from such international journal editor (copyright holders).

Please include all author´s full names in alphabetical or relevance order. All co-authors must authorize the publication of the paper in Revista Hospitalidade.

All opinions expressed by the authors are their sole responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the editors´ opinion.

Revista Hospitalidade accepts contributions that advance critical understanding in Hospitality and correlated areas such as:

- papers originated from original scientific research;
- reviews of recently published books;
- congresses and conferences reviews;
- interviews or debates with experts.

Formatting and Normative Instructions:

Papers must be submitted electronically, and authors are required to check the conformity of submission in respect of all the following instructions:

- Paper size: A4 (29.7 x 21.0 cm);

- File format: DOC or RTF;

- Margins: left, right, top and bottom of 2 cm;

- Font: 12-point Times New Roman, 1,5 space.

- Paragraph: spacing 0 and first-line indents 1,25;

- Alignment: justified text.

- Text must contain a maximum of 20 pages for papers, 5 for testimonials or interviews and two pages for congresses, conferences or book reviews.

- When emphasis is needed, make sure that it employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses);


The first page of the paper must present the title, abstract and keywords (in Portuguese, English, and Spanish):


- Title in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, clear and concise.

- Abstracts in English and Spanish must contain 150 - 200 words.

- Please limit keywords to 5 and separate them by semicolons (;).

- Resumen (in case of the paper is not written in Spanish) must contain 150 - 200 words, followed by up to 5 keywords separated by a semicolon (;).

- Abstracts should be informative (including theme, goal, method, results, and conclusion).

The text must be clear and objective, and authors must attempt to the paper structure (that must contain an introduction, development, and conclusion).

All the figures (pictures, diagrams, charts, maps, etc.) and tables should be inserted and referenced along the text and not at the end of the document; they must also be identified with Arabic numerals, followed with a very brief descriptive title. Cite the source in case of already published figures or tables.

References should be cited in the text, in APA 6th edition format (of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - APA) or ABNT format (author surname, year and page). Full bibliographic references should be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the text (according to NBR-6023).

Include footnotes only if they are essential to the text comprehension. They must be explanatory and identified with Arabic numerals.

Do not include Appendixes or Attachments, unless they are essential to text understanding. In this case, they should be included after “References”.

To ensure blind peer review, papers must be submitted without identification of the authors, neither in the body of the text nor the document properties.

Revista Hospitalidade editors have the right to proceed with normative, orthographic and grammatical changes in submitted papers, always respecting the text style. A final version will not be sent for authors' approval, and originals will not be sent back to the authors.

All papers published in Revista Hospitalidade have the copyright of their author (s) that retain the rights to publish their articles on future occasions, outside the Revista Hospitalidade.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados na Revista Hospitalidade serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por este periódico, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.