Aeromobilities and Visiting Friends and Relatives: a preliminary investigation
VFR, visiting friends and relatives, tourism, mobilities, aeromobilitiesAbstract
This research aims to analyze the theoretical evolution of research on Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) tourism based on a preliminary theoretical investigation in the context of aeromobilities. It offers a literature review on these travelers at the interface between mobilities and tourism and finds a strong relationship between VFR, tourism, travel, migration and mobilities. From the analyzes made possible by search database tools, such as those from Scopus and Web of Science, and with the use of the VosViewer software, we were able to identify an evolution, probably coming from a maturing of the concept, of the terms that accompany the studies on VFR, and a tendency to use the term "VFR mobilities" in more recent academic research. This study indicates that the VFR approach from the perspective of mobilities, through the specific focus of aeromobilities, appears to be powerful and pertinent, not only because of its complexity, but also because of its relevance in the interface with other aspects of contemporary social issues (migrations, public health, tourism trade balance, among others).
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