Informal communication through the enjoyment of tourism experience - Identity decomposition as a process of knowledge, integration, and sustainability




identity, authenticity, emancipation, integration, tourist experience


This paper aims to demonstrate the strategic virtuosity that stems from identity decomposition and possibilities of identity values communication ​​from the perspective of tourist enjoyment.  Identity is the central point of this work that proposes its understanding and possible management in a logic of casuistic stratification of identity experiential attributes which can emancipate local communities, territories, and tourism as an informal actor concerning international relations. To illustrate the scope of social sciences for the understanding and the decomposition of identity, with its impact in the emancipation of communities, we will focus on a literature review, identification of case studies as well as the identification of guidelines that can support tourism management studies and the role of stakeholders in it. This paper concludes that the study, knowledge, and identity communication appear as a powerful tool, capable of providing a convergence of mutual advantages between touristic offers and demand. Identity recognition also appears in Tourism as a factor of integration of the International System. It is important to emphasize the dynamic nature of identity, giving it an operational sense, it appears as a pragmatic solution in the management of tourist destinations.


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Author Biographies

António Sérgio Araújo Almeida, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal

PhD – Tourism Sciences, Aggregate Coordinating Professor, Director of the Master Program in Tourism and Environment. Integrated member of CiTUR – Superior School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea. 

Inês Paulo Cordeiro Brasão, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal

PhD - Economic and Historical Sociology, Professor at the Superior School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea. Integrated Member of IHC- UNL (Institute of Contemporary History).



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How to Cite

Almeida, A. S. A., & Brasão, I. P. C. (2024). Informal communication through the enjoyment of tourism experience - Identity decomposition as a process of knowledge, integration, and sustainability. Revista Hospitalidade, 21, 120–137.