Dynamics of hospitality, inhospitality and hostility in scenes of commensality: a preliminary reflection
commensality, commensality scene, hospitality, inhospitality, hostilityAbstract
Commensality is seen as an expression of hospitality, although it is not limited to it. In this sense, understanding the dynamics of hospitality, inhospitality and hostility in commensality scenes is fundamental to a critical understanding of the phenomenon of commensality itself. This theoretical essay aims to analyze the dynamics of hospitality, inhospitality and hostility in commensality scenes. It consists of an exploratory research of a qualitative nature carried out through a narrative bibliographic review that includes national and international authors. Among the results presented, the concept of commensality scene is outlined and a theoretical analysis of the commensality scene is established considering manifestations of hospitality, inhospitality and hostility in the context of the stages of the welcoming ritual proposed by Boudou (2017). It is found that successful social interactions can create a hospitable scene that allows commensality to exercise its social functions and the cycle of giving to be maintained; as well as identifying that unsuccessful social interactions – such as inhospitality when invited or the manifestation of inhospitality or hostility during a scene that has already begun – can suspend commensality and break the cycle of giving, weakening relationships and leading to social ruptures.
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