Levinasian hospitable solidarity and the sensitive work of images in Didi-Huberman’s thought
hospitality, solidarity, images, Lévinas, Didi-HubermanAbstract
The aim of this article is to conduct a literature review specifically focused on the reading and critical discussion of works and articles that have dedicated themselves to constructing a relationship between the philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas and the philosophy of images of Georges Didi-Huberman based on the concepts of hospitality and solidarity. The objective is to define, based on theoretical reflection, solidarity as an experience of creating bonds, alliances and moral conditions of openness and hospitality to otherness, especially in terms of defining and seeking answers to common concerns. The vision of Lévinas (1987, 1999, 2011) guides our reflection on how solidarity can emerge from practices of welcoming, listening and, at the same time, from the production of shared values that guide principles of justice and recognition. Based on the thinking of Didi-Huberman (2012, 2016, 2018), we are interested in developing a reflective path that highlights, in images, a mediation that makes us sensitive to the survivals of humanity that question the gaze, de-automating it and allowing an encounter with the face of the other.
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