Hospitality and migration: relations of welcome and hostility under the aegis of female leadership
hospitality, migration, feminine, gift, Jesuit Service for Migrants and Refugees (JSMR)Abstract
Hospitality connects with various fields, such as migration and refuge, especially in contexts of global humanitarian crises. This interdisciplinary study examines the relationships between migrants and hosts, focusing on hospitality as an axis of both welcome and hostility, particularly from a female perspective. The research explores the role of hospitality as practiced by the Jesuit Service for Migrants and Refugees (JSMR) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, highlighting women as key actors in the migratory process, both as hosts and as migrants. The study includes a literature review in the areas of hospitality and migration, along with semi-structured interviews and participant observation with SJMR collaborators. Results show that, despite political and structural challenges contributing to hostility and vulnerability among migrant women, the hospitality practiced at SJMR aligns with the ideals of true hospitality. It underscores the social role and ethics of care promoted by female hosts. The study concludes that reciprocity between migrants and hosts at SJMR establishes a hospitality policy based on care and inclusion, particularly given the absence of an integrated hospitality policy by the Brazilian state for migrant women.
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