The safeguarding of portuguese food traditions in Brazil through the newspaper Mundo Lusíada
cultural heritage, portuguese gastronomy, luso-brazilians, journalism, Mundo Lusíada NewspaperAbstract
Food heritage is an essential element of cultural identity, especially in immigrant communities. In Brazil, the newspaper Mundo Lusíada plays a significant role in preserving Portuguese food traditions, particularly through the publication of traditional recipes. This research investigates how the newspaper contributes to safeguarding Portuguese food heritage in Brazil, focusing on strengthening the Luso-Brazilian cultural identity. A documental analysis was conducted on editions published over the past five years, in both print and digital formats, selected for the relevance of their recipes to the preservation of food culture. The research also included an interdisciplinary literature review in the fields of gastronomy, history, sociology, and communication. The results show that the published recipes, mostly submitted by collaborators from the Luso-Brazilian community, reinforce cultural ties across generations, promoting a sense of belonging and continuity. It is concluded that the newspaper Mundo Lusíada serves as a key tool in preserving and disseminating Portuguese food heritage, strengthening collective memory and cultural identity in immigrant contexts.
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