The The leading role of cachaça as a possible element that promotes the memorability of the tourist experience
tourism experience, memorability, cachaça, gastronomic tourism, Paraty/BrazilAbstract
The city of Paraty, located on the southern coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, is an important Brazilian tourist destination and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, recognized as a mixed-site for the exceptional value of its natural and cultural heritage. Paraty is also part of the UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy network, primarily due to the significance of cachaça in the local gastronomic context, with its production dating back to the 18th century. Given the potential of this distilled drink as a key element in creating memorable tourist experiences, the following question arises: does cachaça, as a local gastronomic product, contribute to the memorable experiences offered by Paraty’s tourism market? Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze cachaça as an important local gastronomic attraction and an element of tourism memorability. To achieve this, a literature review, interviews, fieldwork, and analysis of services related to cachaça on digital platforms were conducted. The findings show the significant potential of the drink as a memorable element. However, there is a gap between its relevance as a tourist attraction in Paraty and the marketing of the product through contemporary tourism experience channels.
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