Hunger for what? Eating well and food preferences from the perspective of undergraduate students
food, university students, food safety, food preferencesAbstract
This study aimed to investigate undergraduate students' perceptions of food. It focused on two issues: understanding the meaning of eating well and rejecting food and the reasons for this. Understanding students' food choices can be useful for aligning the university restaurant's offer with its demand and proposing extension projects and other actions. Data was collected using a semi-structured online questionnaire, to which 2091 responses were obtained. The qualitative data was analyzed using the content analysis technique and the IRaMuTeQ software. For university students, “eating well” involves satisfying their food preferences and ensuring a diet that provides nutrition and energy for well-being. The results indicated that the perception of “eating well” depends on the subject's food security situation and interferes with their food decisions. As the degree of food insecurity increases, so does concern about the essentiality of food. On the other hand, even when food is available, many foods are not consumed by university students for reasons including taste, texture, allergies, and religious restrictions, among others.Downloads
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