From affection to the capitalist rationality: food transformation in the West from Santa Catarina
food culture, gustatory memories, social food space, Ccnsumption of ultra-processed food, capitalist productionAbstract
The present article aims to recover the gustatory memories of elderly women from the western region of Santa Catarina and, based on this, discuss the dietary transformations experienced by these women, focusing on their social food space. The methodological approaches used to carry out this work consisted of two movements: the first involved the use of narrative interviews, and the second was based on theoretical-bibliographical research. From discussions that integrate geographical elements for analyzing the metamorphosis of food culture, in dialogue with the women, we observed that the advancement of production models focused on agribusiness, as well as the industrialization of food, has increasingly limited the consumption of fresh foods, directly impacting the organic and affective ways of reproducing everyday life in the space. According to the reports obtained and analyzed, we preliminarily concluded that this entire process of transformation in food culture is significantly related to the capitalist rationality of production, which has spread worldwide, especially since the 1970s.
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