Reflections on commensality in the construction of food heritage: the case of the women of Icapuí-CE
commensality, food heritage, food culture, women, Icapuí-CEAbstract
Commensality, understood from the perspective of sharing and human socialization, is one of the fundamental pillars for understanding and reflecting on the construction of a people’s food heritage, both through what is eaten and the various forms of consumption. Women play a central role in this process, being the main agents responsible for constructing and transmitting knowledge and preserving food traditions. This research aims to understand, from the concept of commensality, the role of women in building the food heritage of Icapuí-CE. The study employs an ethnographic approach, using semi-structured interviews and participant observation as data collection methods. The data were analyzed through content analysis and reveal that women emphasize using ingredients such as coconut and cassava flour in local cuisine, with typical dishes like pirão and farofa, reflecting a simple and territorial cooking style. Commensality strengthens family bonds, especially in fishing and shellfish gathering activities. Amid scarcity and economic limitations, women become food managers, adapting to available resources and valuing sustainable practices. Thus, the importance of commensality as an element of identity and collective memory is further highlighted.Downloads
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