In search of teacher training in higher education based on hospitality
hospitality, receptivity, otherness, higher education, teacher trainingAbstract
In the face of environmental, economic, and social crises that pressure society, it is urgent to cultivate a collective vision that encourages educators to develop in students a critical and ethical sense of responsibility toward others. This proposal-essay is part of a comprehensive multi-referential qualitative research thesis on hospitality in teacher training in higher education, completed during the Covid-19 pandemic, whose repercussions hindered its publication. In this text, we highlight the conclusions of this research, exploring the relations of otherness within an educational practice grounded in the ethics of hospitality, and examining the concept of academic hospitality and its reflection in educational practices based on a literature review and interviews with faculty considered experts on the topic. Based on the definition of theoretical assumptions, we discuss a set of variables, key elements, and propositions aimed at a proposal that considers hospitality as a viable path to prepare educators for the pluralities and challenges of the postmodern world, presenting it as a promising approach to teacher training in higher education.
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