Empathy and hospitality: evaluation of the capacity to be a hospitable to create a competitive advantage
Empatia, Hospitalidade, Hospitabilidade, Atendimento ao consumidor, Economia da experiência.Abstract
In the experience economy, the quality of service significantly influences the level of satisfaction and is a decisive factor in choice and loyalty. More hospitable companies have a competitive advantage and therefore it is important to assess the characteristics and motivations that make some people more hospitable. The aim of this article is to show that not only extrinsic motivations imposed by organizational culture and policies, but also intrinsic motivations such as empathy and behavioral preferences influence the care process and propose a process to assess the ability to be hospitable. A quantitative method was used with two different collections; one with the questionnaire to assess hospitableness, and another, to assess empathy and behavioral styles. It has been shown that more empathetic people, with relational, sensitive and communicative behavior are more hospitable and better adapted to customer service.
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