Hospitality in the virtual context and hospitality in the context of the health crisis caused by Covid-19, as models for hospitality in the hospitality industry in times of a pandemic
Hospitalidade. Pandemia. Setor Hoteleiro. Bem Receber. Hospitalidade Virtual. Hospitalidade Sanitária.Abstract
This theoretical study seeks to analyze and discuss hospitality in the virtual context and hospitality in the context of the health crisis caused by Covid-19, as models of operationalizing safe actions for hospitality practiced in the hotel industry, in a period that imposes social distancing, the use of masks and other non-pharmacological protocols. Methodologically, it is a theoretical research with an exploratory-descriptive bias, supported by the paradigm of interpretivism, presenting techniques of a qualitative nature that seek to present central characteristics of each theme involved, ponder aspects of a specific conjuncture in a given context, and fostering ideas for investigations and research. It is understood that the operationalization and increase of hospitality in the hotel industry, given the current scenario, occur through a virtual (immaterial) connection capable of promoting a welcoming, empathic and humanized service provision, through hospitality in the virtual context, which articulated with material demands, reflect care when receiving the other, in synergy with hospitality in the context of the health crisis caused by COVID-19. It is concluded that the union of virtuality with health care signals that hospitality, even in the face of adaptations, continues to include welcoming traits.
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