Botecos in Rio: gastro-social spaces of hospitality, affirmation of identities and fading traditions
Boteco, Hospitality, Identity, Social memory, CityAbstract
Places traditionally linked to popular Rio’s commensality, the botecos “pubs”, which in other cities may be called botequins and various names, are spaces that bring together the social histories and memories of struggle and affirmation of ethnic and class identities, among others. Although the sociability of the botecos has already been studied in the fields of sociology and human sciences, it was only more recently that this space and its food and drink offerings began to be investigated in the field of gastronomy. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the social and historical role of the bar in welcoming and mediating the integration of people. The research can be divided into two moments. Initially, research was developed through analysis of secondary sources to present concepts about bars and hospitality. Subsequently, research was carried out in primary sources through field studies in the bars Bar da Regina, located in Cidade Universitária, and Chanchada Bar, located in the neighborhood of Botafogo, both in Rio de Janeiro. The field research had an ethnographic nature, as it sought to study and interpret cultures, communities and social groups in order to understand the social role of bars in the field of hospitality based on the concepts of accessibility, legibility and identity. These concepts bring to light pubs as spaces that promoted integration, welcoming and citizenship.
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