Vegan ideology and social influence: an analysis of food purchase behavior of vegan consumers in hypermodern society
consumer behavior, social influence, hypermodern society, veganism, ethical consumptionAbstract
Veganism has been gaining prominence as a form of activism that proposes reinterpreting the relationship between humans and animals. This study aimed to understand how social influence can affect the food purchasing behavior of vegan consumers in hypermodern society. It is a qualitative and descriptive research, using interviews and documents to collect data, which were analyzed through content analysis. The main findings indicate that vegans are more motivated by information disseminated in the media than by people in their social circle. Friends exert more influence on purchasing behavior than family members. Vegans face challenges in adopting this lifestyle, especially in relationships with friends and family. The internet is the primary source of information, and digital influencers are important opinion leaders. Vegans believe in respect and empathy as ways to minimize conflicts in interpersonal relationships, improve others' understanding of veganism, and bring them closer to this lifestyle.
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