Gastronomy as a differentiating element in the consolidation of cultural tourism in Amazonas
tourism, gastronomy, culture, identity, Amazonas/BrazilAbstract
This study investigates the influence of gastronomy on tourism in Amazonas, highlighting how local cuisine can consolidate itself as a distinctive element in the tourism offering. Using a qualitative approach, the research used structured questionnaires and content analysis to collect and interpret data. A total of 70 participants from municipalities classified in categories A and C of the state, including the municipalities of Barcelos and Novo Airão, were consulted to identify the raw materials and dishes that characterize the gastronomic identity of Amazonas. The results reveal a strong presence of native ingredients and traditional dishes in the perception of residents and visitors, such as tucumã, pupunha and local fish prepared in various ways. The study also emphasizes the importance of strategies to promote and publicize local cuisine, considering it as an underutilized tourism resource, despite its rich potential. The research concludes that Amazonian gastronomy is a vital component in enriching the tourist experience, suggesting that public policies and marketing initiatives should be developed to integrate local cuisine into tourism offerings, increase the region's visibility and promote cultural preservation.
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