Setting the table for health: A netnography on digital commensality in a women’s virtual community
digital commensality, netnography, table setting, health promotion, social mediaAbstract
Based on netnography was conducted in a Facebook virtual community of women who share knowledge and practices around "table setting," aiming to analyze and describe the forms of commensality practiced, whether in person or virtually, and their relationship with health. The community is defined by sharing photos of tables set and decorated for home meals, mainly with family. Photographing usually occurs before meals, as using mobile devices during the meal-sharing is seen as a breach of table etiquette. The practice of table setting was recognized as an act of hospitality and an encouragement of traditional commensality, strengthening human relationships through shared food. During the COVID-19 pandemic, women reported practicing other digital forms of commensality, such as remote meal participation, and recognized the importance of the community for their mental health due to the friendships formed, the pleasure in setting a table, and the compliments received. The frequency of themed tables related to awareness months for disease prevention, such as “Yellow September,” proved a powerful strategy for health communication in homes, making these women multipliers of awareness actions.
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