Cumbuco Beach fishermens family recipes in Ceará, Brazil: identification of cultural and emotional attributes based on culinary traditions
traditional populations, gastronomy, food, memoryAbstract
This study investigates cultural and emotional significance of traditional recipes in fishing families from Cumbuco, Ceará, Brazil. The aim was to compile, analyze, and characterize the culinary practices of these families, focusing on sensory memories and traditional attributes linked to their recipes. A qualitative and descriptive methodology was used, with semi-structured interviews conducted with 16 participants, who shared personal and family recipes, which were analyzed for their cultural and emotional attributes. The sensory memories associated with the recipes were assessed using a hedonic scale and the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) method, capturing affective and cultural dimensions. It was observed that community residents need to identify which foods are memorized. The results highlighted that the recipes serve as both a means of sustenance and a repository of collective memory, helping to preserve local traditions amidst external cultural influences. It was concluded that culinary traditions, rooted in emotional and sensory experiences, are essential for maintaining cultural identity and passing it on to future generations. Furthermore, it emphasizes the role of gastronomy in promoting a sense of belonging and social cohesion within the community. It is expected to contribute to tourism, which is very strong in Cumbuco, and to the preservation of traditional knowledge and practices.
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