Traditional bars and longevity: hospitality and commensality contribution
hospitality, commensality, traditional bars , singularities, Maceió-ALAbstract
This article revisits the concept of a traditional bar, proposed by Santos (2023) based on a study in Maceió, State of Alagoas [Brazil], characterizing it as an establishment that, in addition to longevity and peripheral location, associates regional cuisine dishes on their menu with a service style in which hospitality is based on informality and commensality on fraternity. In this section, the aim is to highlight hospitality and commensality as essential in the traditional bar definition. The research is based on oral history, with interviews and observation with notes in a research notebook and photographic records standing out as data collection techniques for this article. For analysis, the singularities that emerged from the collected data were categorized, treating them as indicators for this procedure. It is concluded that among the singularities common to the ten bars studied, the hospitality and commensality contribute to guaranteeing a regular user and the consequent longevity of the traditional bars in Maceió.Downloads
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