The hospitality in the Bible and commensality rituals
hospitality, bible, rituals, commensality, giftAbstract
Hospitality has been consolidating itself in tourism research to understand the relationships between host and guest in different times and spaces. This essay-based article discusses hospitality in the Bible from a historical and social perspective. The New Testament delimits the periodization of the research in its forms of hospitality and rituals of commensality. In addition to the primary source of the Bible itself, the article uses the work of Félix Tomillo Noguero as a secondary source in dialogue with other authors. The objective of the article is to theoretically analyze the conception of hospitality present in the Bible, the sacred book of Christianity, with possible contributions to the field of tourism through commensality. The methodology of the research is bibliographic and exploratory research combined with documentary research. It is concluded that the symbolism of the biblical text permeates rituals of hospitality and commensality, through the symbolic power of sharing food, expressed in the scenes around Jesus as a form of gift.
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