Between embers and bonds: gaucho barbecue as a symbol of hospitality and social cohesion
barbecue, hospitality, cultural identity, commensality, traditionAbstract
This study explores the gaucho barbecue as a central sociocultural practice within Brazilian hospitality, examining its historical roots and contemporary relevance. By analyzing barbecue beyond its gastronomic aspects, we observe that it is a rite of conviviality promoting unity and celebrating the cultural identity of Rio Grande do Sul and Brazil as a whole. The research reveals how barbecue incorporates community, warmth, and belonging values, functioning as a symbolic space for socialization and integration. Additionally, the study discusses the challenges barbecue faces in the current context, including increasing concerns about sustainability, shifting consumption patterns, and the evolving gender norms in meal preparation. It concludes that barbecue remains relevant by engaging with societal transformations, and adapting while preserving its original meanings. Thus, this sociocultural phenomenon stands as an enduring celebration of hospitality and social cohesion, reaffirming itself as a resilient cultural identity and adaptability element.
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