Hospitality, sustainability and decoloniality: towards a critical pedagogical praxis in gastronomy graduation
gastronomic event, interdisciplinary practices, local ingredients, culinary, commensalityAbstract
The intersections between hospitality, sustainability and decoloniality in food raise questions about the role of gastronomy in the contemporary world and encourage the search for alternatives that include practices and knowledge that have traditionally been ignored or undervalued. This article proposes to share an innovative pedagogical experience in gastronomy and hospitality, based on a critical account of the stages of conception, planning, and execution of a decolonial dinner. The conception, the criteria for selecting the participants, the menu, the acquisition of the materials, the decoration and the setting, the planning, and the organization of the event were carried out by teachers and students from three disciplines of the Bachelor of Gastronomy at the UFRJ. Eighteen members of the university staff were invited. The dinner consisted of 8 dishes accompanied by drinks created by the students based on the topics studied in class. The setting used natural materials, decorative elements with low environmental impact, and an aesthetic aligned with decolonial principles. A master of ceremonies led the whole event. Each dish was presented by the creative group, emphasizing the value of the ingredients and sustainability. Hospitality was the leitmotif of this educational activity, which proved to be a powerful alternative for the critical training of gastronomy students.
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