Between pots and memories: silences, remembrances, and forgettings
food, eating, memory, incarceration, silences and forgettingsAbstract
The article explores the meanings of food within a women’s prison in rural Rio Grande do Sul. It focuses on eating practices and their connections to memory, silences, and forgetfulness among incarcerated women. The aim is to investigate and understand the relationship between food, memory, and the forgetfulness experienced by these women, seeking to identify what food communicates in this unique setting. The methodology included participant observation and semi-structured interviews with women working as cooks in a Rio Grande do Sul prison. The results show that food not only meets physiological needs but also evokes memories and connects inmates to their past, offering a way to cope with longing and isolation. The research concludes that cooking and eating in the prison context reveal emotional and social dynamics, expressing a silent language that communicates identities and resistance.
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