The scientific production of Hospitality Master Course
Scientific production, Hospitality, Dissertations,Abstract
The study of scientific production of Master students in Hospitality has as central corpus 132 theses defended at the Anhembi Morumbi University, from 2002 to 2008. The methodology of research focused in the approach to the contents available in Lattes Curriculum Database, in which is possible to find the students’ academic curricula, with specific information about their graduation studies at the University (IES) and post graduation courses (IES). It was added data frameworks of dissertations, systematized in a data bank (Access - specially organized for the study), in order to contemplate: title, summary, year of conclusion, mentor’s name, author’s name and 5 key-words. Considering the thematic axles provided in the scope of the program submitted to Capes in 2001 (hospitality, tourism, catering, transportation facilities and entertainment), it was developed an initial classification and so the thematic axles were amplified observing key words frequency (hospitality, education, religion, tourism, transportation facilities, hospital hospitality), as well as the revision of entertainment categories (dismembered events and leisure) and restaurant (restaurant and gastronomy). The study exposes that Hospitality includes analysis of professional performance in several acting areas. Mainly concentrated in Brazilian southeastern region, where most of students live and have a professional performance, the study points out the difficulties to obtain research financing in the Hospitality area in Brazil.Downloads
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