The urban hospitality: access, legibility and identity


  • Lucio Grinover Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, da Universidade de São Paulo (FAU/USP), São Paulo Brasil


acessibilidade, legibilidade, identidade, lugar, hospitalidade,


This article presents the desire to discourse if a city is, or not, hospitable, considering the coexistence of three fundamental dimensions: the accessibility, the legibility and the identity, closely related by the “scale”, the geographic and secular measures, that offer the comprehension of a city, either for the inhabitant, either for persons who make an approach to it, introduce themselves in it and make an appropriation of it. The hospitality supposes the welcome; it is one of the superior laws of the humanity, it is a universal law. To welcome is to allow, under certain conditions, the inclusion of the other in the proper space; in this case, the city forsakes of being a geographic concept and transforms itself into a complex and inexhaustible symbol of the human experience. The fact that transforms a city in a pretty and hospitable one is its capacity to express a social and an organized architectonic microcosm, where each building, regarding to its dimension, refinement and splendor, show not only its importance, but also the importance of who ordered it and who lives there.


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Author Biography

Lucio Grinover, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, da Universidade de São Paulo (FAU/USP), São Paulo Brasil

Doutor, Livre-Docente, Professor-Adjunto e Titular pela FAU-USP. Pós-Doutorado com pesquisa em Assentamentos Humanos na França (Orstom, FFSH, Unesco). Arquiteto e urbanista pela FAU-USP. Especialização em Ecologia pela Cetesb. Membro da Comissão Brasileira do Programa MAB – Unesco. Endereço: Av. Dr. Guilherme Dumont Vilares, 2450 - cj. 23, Jd. Londrina, 05640-004 - Sao Paulo, SP - Brasil
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How to Cite

Grinover, L. (2006). The urban hospitality: access, legibility and identity. Revista Hospitalidade, 3(2), 29–50. Retrieved from