Religious tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte: the multiple faces of the “meetings” in Seridó region


  • Maria Lucia Bastos Alves Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Ciências Humanas Letras e Artes, Natal, RN, Brasil
  • Silvana Pirillo Ramos Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, AL - Brasil


religious tourism, culture, religiosity, hospitality.


The article aims to analyze the transformation process of a sacred place, initially set by religious reasons, to a “religious touristic” destination supported by an organizational infra-structure, and its implications on a new meaning of sacred place. Its searches to understand the destinations of religious tourism in Rio Grande do Norte State and implications from such activity related to municipalities touristic potential as a marketing product; focusing the traditional religious fests as a favorable moment, where the gathering of tourists and local communities takes place. For research development, in loco observations were carried out, as well as semi-structured interviews with tourists, pilgrims, local residents and event organizers.


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Author Biographies

Maria Lucia Bastos Alves, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Ciências Humanas Letras e Artes, Natal, RN, Brasil

Doutora em Ciências Sociais – USP, Pesquisadora do CNPq. Professora-Adjunta do Departamento de Ciências Sociais – UFRN. Endereço: Rua Dionísio Filgueira, 780, apto. 602, Petrópolis, Natal, RN, Brasil. CEP 59014- 020. E-mail:
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Silvana Pirillo Ramos, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió, AL - Brasil

Professora de Gestão de Turismo do Curso de Graduação em Turismo da UFAL e da Pós Graduação em Ciências Sociais da UFRN. Desenvolve pesquisas em Planejamento Turístico, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Políticas de Turismo. É doutora em Sociologia e Mestre em Política pela PUC-SP. Endereço: Rua Luis Lopes Agra,46, Jatiáca, Maceió, AL, Cep 57036650
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How to Cite

Alves, M. L. B., & Ramos, S. P. (2007). Religious tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte: the multiple faces of the “meetings” in Seridó region. Revista Hospitalidade, 4(2), 35–50. Retrieved from